Rules & Regulation

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attendence rules

As per rules of H.P. University, a student is entitled to appear in the annual examination only if he / she have attended a minimum of 80% of schedule lecturers in every subject defaulters will not be allowed to appear in the university annual examination. Attendance in seminars, guest lecturers, co-curricular activities and other functions organized in the college is mandatory. Absenteeism will invite fine as per the decision taken by the College Management in this regard.


Following scholarships are being provided to students through college.
Students may visit the National Scholarship Portal to apply for these scholarships.


Rules & Regulation

dicipline rules

  1. Writing obscenities / dirty words on the black board, wall and furniture.
  2. Smoking, taking drugs / alcohol and tobacco etc. in the college campus including canteen.
  3. Bringing outsiders with / miscreants / anti-social elements in the college campus.
  4. Misbehaving with Lecturers and other staff members.
  5. Any destructive activity or misconduct with the members of School Teaching Practice.


leave rules


Teaching Practice Rules

library rules

rules regarding examination

Internal Assessment

The internal assessment will be 20% of the total marks allotted to each theory paper and will have two components; the first component will be of 10 marks to be awarded by the concerned lecturer on the basis of the projects / assignment based on some practically activity. The activity will be decided by the lecturer from the concerned course. Remaining 10 marks will be awarded on the basis of general behaviour of the student in terms if his / her overall performance in the class including regularity, punctuality and attendance.

Medium of Examination

The question paper shall be set in English and Hindi. The candidates shall write their answers either in Hindi and English The medium of examination in case of 'Teaching of Hindi' and 'Teaching of Sanskrit' shall be Hindi whereas in case of 'Teaching of English' the medium shall be purely English. In rest of the courses the medium may be Hindi or English


Student Grievance Redressal Commitee

In Compliance to the UGC (Redress od Grievence of students Regulaion 2019) and of Secretary HP Private Educational Regulatory Commission letter endorsed vide No HPPERC/41/ACTs & Rules/2011-2599-2600 dated 28-06-2019 students grievance redressal comittee (SGRC) consisting of the following members is hereby constituted.

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